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Get Fit
Kick Ass

Welcome to Reiki, where ancient healing meets modern wellness. Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation, promotes healing by activating the natural and healing energy flow within the body. Whether you're seeking relief from physical ailments, emotional distress, or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, you'll experience the gentle touch and soothing energy that Reiki provides, promoting deep relaxation and a sense of inner peace. From traditional hands-on Reiki sessions to distance healing options, choose a solution to accommodate your preferences and schedule. Experience the transformative power of Reiki and embark on a journey towards greater health, happiness, and harmony today.


Tesla Metamorphosis® is a unique form of healing due to its use of Tesla Waves, the waves which are accessed directly from the Active Ether. Their density and frequency are inversely proportional to the square of distance. Meaning, the longer the distance, the stronger they are. No machines are involved in the treatment. Tesla Waves are called ‘Non-Hertzian Waves’ . TM Practitioner forms a communication bond with their clients on the level of the conscious, subconscious, and integrative mind. Operating with the higher frequency then majority of energy healing modalities, Tesla Healing Metamorphosis jump-starts profound healing processes in the body. For the best results, 3 sessions are recommended. Vital synergy offers 2 types of TMH: Tesla Metamorphosis Healing and Soul Communication Healing for uncovering the deepest root causes of the body and mind issues.


Kinesiology is a gentle yet powerful modality that utilizes muscle monitoring to identify imbalances and blockages within the body's energy system. By tapping into the body's innate wisdom, Kinesiology helps to uncover underlying issues contributing to physical discomfort, emotional stress, and mental challenges. Body's energy systems imbalances are identified via accessing the body's biofeedback mechanism through muscle testing and therapeutic techniques, which facilitates the restoration of overall optimal health and vitality. Vital Synergy, offers comprehensive Kinesiology sessions tailored to meet your individual needs and goals. Whether you're struggling with physical pain, emotional stress, or mental fatigue, Kinesiology can provide relief and promote holistic well-being.


For women over 45, personal training offers a multitude of benefits tailored to meet their unique needs of body and lifestyle. As we age, maintaining strength, flexibility, and overall health becomes increasingly important, and a dedicated, experinced and understanding, female personal trainer can provide the guidance and support needed to achieve these goals. From improving bone density to enhancing cardiovascular health and boosting metabolism, personalized training programs can help women over 45 stay active, vibrant, and independent. Train in a safe and supportive environment and explore your fitness journey without intimidation or judgment. Whether you're looking to lose weight, increase muscle tone, or simply improve your quality of life, personalized personal training empowers mature and senior women to prioritize their health and well-being for years to come.


Krav Maga (contact combat) is self-defence system which utilizes techniques from multiple martial arts and is focuses on real-life situations. It is known for its efficiency and is employed by many militaries, law enforcement and security organisations as a preferred self-defense skill which has also found its way in adapted version for use of civilians. As it does not require years to master it, and is a popular choice for women and frequent travelers as a mean of self-protection. Vital Synergy Krav Maga lessons are aimed at women’s personal safety, providing them with an easy to learn and effective skill applicable in real-life violent situations (especially sexual assaults), and contributing to their general fitness and the weight management.

Om Pose

Welcome to the Healing Domain of Reiki

Enjoy Reiki Benefits

Surrender to the healing flow of Reiki loving energy and allow it to find its way to where is most needed. Its transformative nature will initiate your body's own natural ability to heal and restore its balance.

Choose the path that suits you best – in-person sessions at my inviting studio or the profound energies of distance Reiki in the comfort of your own home.

spa stone

"I have very much enjoyed Zorica's Reiki session. I was very tired after extremely demanding day. Relaxation achieved 100%."

  Amy Elis

Healing Stones
What is Reiki?

Reiki originated in Japan and in 1900s. It translates to ‘spiritual life-force energy’.


Reiki utilises and stimulates the body’s own natural ability to heal

REIKI is a safe, side effects free, gentle, non-invasive healing technique suitable for everyone including pregnant women, children, babies, and animals.


"My cat was feeling poorly entire day. After Zorica's distance Reiki he jumped up and went to his food bowl immediately. I was really impressed."

  Melanie K




Healing Sessions are for You?


Choose Your REIKI Healing Treatment

Express 30 minutes Re-charge for immediate Invigoration and

1:1  - 30 min @ £45

1:1  - 3 x 30 min @ £125

1:1  - 5 x 30 min @ £210

Express 30 minutes Re-charge for immediate invigoration and
de-stressing at the distance.

Distance Re-charge - 30 min

@ £42

Distance Re-charge - 3 x 30 min

@ £115

Distance Re-charge - 5 x 30 min

@ £185

Initiate Deeper Mental and Physical Recovery with my 45 minutes sessions.

1:1 - 45 min @ £55 

1:1 - 3 x 45 min @ £155 

1:1 - 5 x 45 min @ £260 

Initiate Deeper Mental and Physical Recovery with my 45 minutes sessions at the distance.

Distance Relax - 45 min

@ £52 

Distance Relax - 3 x 45 min

@ £146 

Distance Relax - 5 x 45 min

@ £245 

HEAL 1:1
Experience deep Chakras Healing, Re-balancing and Rejuvenation with 60 min treatments.  

1:1 - 60 min @ £70

1:1 - 3 x 60 min @ £200

1:1 - 5 x 60 min @ £335

Experience deep Healing, Relaxation and Rejuvenation with 60 min treatments at the distance.  

Distance Heal - 60 min

@ £65

Distance Heal - 3 x 60 min

@ £185

Distance Heal - 3 x 60 min

@ £300

Enjoy Your Healing Journey!
Raised Arms

Tesla Metamorphosis Healing

What is Tesla Metamorphosis?

Tesla Metamorphosis® Healing (TMH) is a unique form of healing employing Tesla ‘Non-Hertzian Waves, which density and frequency are inversely proportional to the square of distance. Meaning, the longer the distance, the stronger they are.  ​According to the PIP camera images taken during Tesla Metamorphosis® Healing session, apart from green colour (The Heart Chakra colour), the purple colour appears. Purple is the colour of the Crown Chakra. This is significant as many Yogis undergo a long-term practice of a special meditation with the purpose of elevating the frequency of consciousness starting with the first, Root Chakra (which color is red) advancing up to the seventh, the Crown Chakra (color purple).  Many Yogis never reach the Crown Chakra but the phenomenon of purple color, indicating that the frequencies of Tesla Waves can enhance the frequency of level of consciousness (as color purple - Crown Chakra level) is detected with Tesla Metamorphosis Practitioners.

Peeping Through a Leaf
Girl Lying in Grass

In TMH, ‘the healing occurs through the transfer of information between the consciousness of the client's bodies and Active Ether (the Universal Consciousness). The healer is invited to be a part of the equation - observer and the observed. "Dr Anya Petrovic" Tesla Metamorphosis® Practitioner can form a communication bond with their clients on the level of the conscious, subconscious, and integrative mind. Operating with the higher frequency then majority of energy healing modalities, Tesla Healing Metamorphosis jump-starts profound healing processes in the body. For the best results, minumum 3 sessions are recommended.

Tesla Soul Communication works on the karmic level and some clients can experience insights into previous lives events which are affecting their present lives. 

During Tesla Soul Communication session, Practitioner experiences communication via images, emotions, and words. TSC is preformed on distance only.

TSC from £75


THM 30 min @ £60

"I had an out-worldly experience with Tesla Healing Metamorphosis. I was transported to Egypt.  I saw pyramids, then a big cat with beautiful eyes. She was looking at me. I felt at peace and very much loved. I was then floating and felt like many hands touching me. On arrival home, my cat who was for 4 years shy and skittish approached me and did not leave my side. She started sleeping next to me.

The very day after Tesla Healing Metamorphosis session I felt that I am walking more upright and had more energy. The results were more obvious after few days as even my Pilates instructor had noticed a visible change in me. I fell like a have purpose in my life. I matter. After few weeks, I have been nominated for two awards by my colleagues for the company's annual award. Talking about being loved. Thank you Zorica."

                                                                   Sara B.

Edited kinesiology
Uncover Your Body's Wisdom with Kinesiology
What is Kinesiology?

KINESIOLOGY is a form of natural health care that uses muscle testing (assessment of functional neurology) to access the body’s biochemistry, remove energy blocks and reinstate the body’s balance. Specific muscles are connected specific body meridians which are connected to corresponding organs. Results from muscle testing may provide insight into the levels, flow, or blockage of energy in specific meridians /organs. Kinesiology addresses the whole person, mentally, physically, chemically, and energetically.   Body’s disbalance can be caused by variation of factors and their combination: Inadequate nutrition Blood supply Lymphatic drainage Physical shock Emotional disturbance.

Re-balance with Kinesiology

Kinesiology can help you with myriad of problems affecting all your body systems which are not due to disease or pathological conditions and deals with causes not symptoms. As such, it can be a part of an overall plan for improved health and wellbeing and natural diseases prevention. Kinesiology is not a replacement for any medical treatment but can help with: - Pain - Food sensitivities - Nutritional deficiencies - Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - Low energy - Low self-esteem - Phobias, anxiety, and fears - Learning difficulties - Musculo-skeletal Issues.

spa stones

"Zorica is masterful. I found the sessions extremely relaxing as she uses in-depth knowledge and techniques to target problem areas. I was amazed at the reactions my body made in response to her muscle testing.  As a health and fitness trainer she has a well-rounded knowledge of the body physically but as a kinesiologist and martial artist she understands the more subtle issues within the emotional and spiritual bodies and able to work with all to achieve suitable therapeutic treatments. I no longer have the initial pain worked on and am still using the remedies she recommended for basic health. I would wholeheartedly recommend Zorica."

Rebecca Rae-Smith

Allow me to guide you towards a harmonious connection between

your body, mind, and spirit.





is for You?

Choose Your KINESIOLOGY Treatment

Mineral and Protein Deficiency Testing & Correction 
Food Sensitivity Testing (global)*

(*) -  This is not allergy/ies testing.

Dehydration Testing & Correction 
@ £75

Mineral and protein balance contributes to optimal health and finding the most beneficial nutrients would lead to better health and sense of wellbeing. Minerals are micronutrients influencing numerous metabolic processes in our bodies. Both high and low concentration of minerals can influence our health (e.g. malnutrition, hypocalcemia, issues with skin, hair, nails, teeth etc). Our diet and lifestyle affect the level of beneficial minerals in our body. Protein has multifaceted role detrimental to our health. It is not only responsible for building and repairing body tissues, but it also drives numerous metabolic reactions, keeps immune systems strong, maintains pH and fluid balance and transports and stores nutrients. In some circumstances (famine) acts as an energy source. In some cases when there is an abundant intake of protein, deficiency might occur due to digestive issues and protein is not absorbed. In others, specific protein ingestion is not biogenic to the body and other types of protein might be more beneficial. Mature and senior women and persons under stress require more protein.

@ £95

Frequent consumption or/and overindulging in specific food (groups) can cause delayed sensitivities in the form of headaches, bloating, constipated or loose stools, joint pain, problematic skin, moodiness, fatigue and many more. Some sensitivities might be connected to the specific food overload or a hidden sensitivity, meaning that the person can eats specific food and feels good, however, that food might be bio-acidic (not beneficial) instead biogenic (beneficial) to the body. Wheat products, milk, cheese tea, coffee, chocolate, and fruit juices tend to produce such results.

@ £65

Our bodies are 75% water. Keeping hydration at optimal levels facilitates cleansing and physiology and energy flow in balance. We cannot function properly if we are not receiving adequate ‘power supply’ (water and food). Water is the only substance we ingest that does not need to be digested, providing that the water we drink does not contain anything else. Flavored water, coffee, teas and any other beverages and juices cannot replace pure water. As adequate hydration contributes to body’s optimal function, it is beneficial to conduct testing for Dehydration.

Stomach acid (HCL) & Food Enzymes Levels Testing & Correction

Brest Congestion Release

Concerned about lump in your breast.?

Please consult the doctor.

Dis-organisation Testing & Correction
@ £95

Our gut represents 70% of our immune system. Its function is greatly affected by stress, wrong food choices and lifestyle. Most cases of indigestion are due to too little stomach acid (HCL – hydrochloric acid) and enzymes, rather than too much. When the stomach struggles to digest, it transfers its juices to the top. As we age, digestive juices diminish and the majority of 40 plus years olds reach for antacids, when there might be the case of diminished amounts of digestive acid instead excessive. Testing for the levels of HCL acid and enzymes points out under or over acidity or lack of enzymes and finding most suitable corrective digestive aid. By doing so, any food and supplements ingested will not go to waste and be better absorbed.

@ £90

Breast congestion Release is release of congested, hardened and painful breasts for ladies. Some contributing factors can be use of underarm antiperspirants, tight bras, lack of exercise, iron in water, emotional issues like giving too much and not receiving enough. Breast congestion causes great pain and mental distress to a lot of women. Using this treatment might relieve discomfort with a single visit. If you are concerned about any hardening or lumps on your breast, please consult a medical professional. This treatment is not meant to heal any medical condition.

@ £65

This testing is recommended to individuals who have issues mixing ("Switching") left and right sides, or back and front, or up and down. This type of confusion can interfere with our functional life. Testing and balancing the ‘switching’ problem will remove the issue and contribute to a normal and functional life. Millions of complex signals are transmitted and received by our brain every second and they do get confused and dis-organised by mental upsets, stress, electromagnetic fields of appliances, computers, telephones to name a few. Like blowing the fuse in the electric circuit. Interference of the delicate balance surfaces as confusion and mixing up left and right sides, up and down and front and back. Book your session here, and avoid confusion.

Visual Inhibition Testing & Correction for Improved Comprehension, Coordination,
Writing & Reading
@ £75

Movement of the eyes interferes with our normal muscle coordination and looking at the specific direction might cause discomfort, in some instances eye dryness, problems with vision, issues with coordination, comprehension, writing and reading. Most of the times people do not move their eyes in all directions. Correcting the visual inhibition helps greatly with before mentioned problems.

Fears and Phobias
@ £65

Fears and Phobias limit our ability to enjoy life. Unresolved phobias and fears contribute to stress and confused thinking. and on long run might cause cardiovascular damage. Releasing them contributes to a better quality of life.


Some of the Fears and Phobias can be resolved withing one visit, some might require more, depending on the root cause and length of suffering.

Transform with Personal Training
pink outfit side plank on the bal
Keep Going
body building
smiling hand on hip

I shall demonstrate to you that

age is not a barrier to achieving your

fitness and wellness goals.

Hi, I am Zorica

I invite you to embark on your fitness journey together with me. Beyond the technical expertise and experience typical of a personal trainer, I bring to you, an intuitive understanding of the unique needs and concerns of older women, being a senior lady myself.

With age comes a deeper appreciation for the nuances of physical fitness, such as joint mobility, balance, flexibility. strength and maintaining muscle mass. Let us not forget the dreaded weight gain "nicely" paired with the challenges of all the "pauses": peri, meno and post (and as you know, there is no a "pause" in any of those) calls for a structured approach to your exercise, nutrition and general wellbeing. Let me guide you with my knowledge and experience.


Whatever your fitness and wellness goals are you, will be training in a safe, friendly and relaxed environment, where you feel understood and supported through your entire fitness journey. Let us, together, tap into your full potential of vitality and let us realise the best version of YOU.

"Zorica King was my trainer for several years while I was working in Hong Kong. Training sessions with Zorica were fun and engaging, while challenging. Her focus was very much dialed into what my body needed in terms of strength, flexibility and functionality. I learned a tremendous amount of training with Zorica. She ensured that I knew what to do and HOW to do it when I was on my own. She was a brilliant instructor with an eagle eye for the small tweaks to ensure I maximized safety of movement. My body changed as a result of working with Zoe; I was much more flexible, lean and strong. And excited about it. Zorica and I ceased training together only when I moved out of the country. I miss her."

                                               Nell Caddy-Kruse

Pink bra, brazil pants

Personal Training Sessions adn Programs

body builder
body builder
body builder

Over 40 years of Fitness knowledge acquired through extensive education, practical application and Body-building, Physique, Bikini and Martial Arts Competitions at your disposal, offering  multitude of Fitness Modules to meet Your Fitness Needs.



From £40

Physical assessment helps with devising the most suitable and beneficial fitness plan for your attainable fitness goals. This screening process gives an accurate picture of your current fitness level and indication of appropriate starting training intensities and a baseline for your fitness goals.

From £100

This offer applies to women who: - have a training history, - are experienced using the gym equipment and various training modalities, - can manage to train by themselves, - have limited time, - need a training program to best challenge the overall body.

Personal Training


From £57

Personal training offers a tailored approach to fitness that can yield numerous benefits which will provide accountability and motivation, helping you stay committed to your exercise routines and pushing you to reach new levels of fitness they you not achieve on your own. You will learn a proper form and technique, reducing the risk of injury and maximizing the effectiveness of each workout. You will be educated and supported on your journey to a healthy lifestyle. You will experience faster progress, increased confidence, and a greater sense of overall well-being during your fitness journey.

Postural Correction &

Joint Mobility

Poor posture is one of the top factors contributing to lower back and neck pain which can seriously affect your quality of life. From causing headaches, breathing issues and lowered lung capacity, low energy, poor concentration, decreased joints mobility, physical, functional abilities, performance, affecting sleep quality, and daily life activities, and certainly your physical appearance and self-confidence to name a few. Postural correction will contribute to your functional and more fulfilling life. A block of 5 sessions is recommended to see results.

pink outfit holding ball
Thank you for your trust. See you in the training room!
ONCE PER WEEK Self-Training Programs:

Assessment 1:1 +

Bespoke 5 Weeks ONCE per WEEK

Self-Training Program

@ £110

Assessment 1:1 +

Bespoke 5 Weeks ONCE per WEEK

Self-Training Program

@ £105

TWICE PER WEEK Self-Training Programs:

Assessment 1:1 +

Bespoke 5 Weeks TWICE per WEEK

Self-Training Program

@ £160

Assessment 1:1 +

Bespoke 5 Weeks TWICE per WEEK

Self-Training Program

@ £155

THREE TIMES PER WEEK Self-Training Programs:

Assessment 1:1 +

Bespoke 5 Weeks THREE times  per WEEK

Self-Training Program

@ £220

Assessment 1:1 +

Bespoke 5 Weeks THREE times per WEEK

Self-Training Program

@ £215

Choose Progress Consultation for

Self-Training Programs

Choose Your PERSONAL TRAINING Sessions


10 Private Lessons


1 Private Lessons

@ £57/h


5 Private Lessons

@ £270

*Save £15! Book 5 hourly sessions.

@ £540

*Save £30! Book 10 hourly sessions.


Silver 30

1 Private Lessons

30 min@ £40

Silver 45

1 Private Lessons

45 min @ £50

Silver 60

1 Private Lessons

60 min @ £60

Gold 30*

5 Private Lessons

30 min x 5 @ £190

*Save £10! Book 5 sessions.

Gold 45*

5 Private Lessons

45 min x 5 @ £240

*Save £10! Book 5 sessions.


5 Private Lessons

60 min x 5 @ £290

Save £10! Book 5 sessions.

Platinum 30*

10 Private Lessons

30 min x 10 @ £385

*Save £15! Book 10 sessions.

Platinum 45*

10 Private Lessons

45 min x 10 @ £485

*Save £15! Book 10 sessions.


10 Private Lessons

60 min x 10 @ £585

Save £15! Book 10 sessions.

* - Corrective techniques require discipline and consistency in order for you to experience results. Please note that Gold lessons expire 7 weeks from the date of the first session and Platinum lessons expire 11 weeks from the date of the first session. the same applies to any block 5 and 10 purchased sessions.

Krav Maga 
martial arts
3-ple elbow release from back hug
Fingers in the eyes
What is Krav Maga?

Krav Maga (contact combat) is self-defense system which utilizes techniques from multiple martial arts, focuses on real-life situations and is devoid of ceremonies. There are no rules and no competitions. It is known for its efficiency and is employed by many militaries, law enforcement and security organisations as a preferred self-defense skill which has also found its way in adapted version for use of civilians. It does not require years to master it, and is popular choice for frequent travelers, businessman and women as a mean of self-protection.   Krav Maga lessons are aimed at women’s personal safety, providing them with an easy to learn and effective skill applicable in real-life violent situations (especially sexual assaults), and contributing to their general fitness as well as weight management.

Benefits of Training  Krav Maga

Krav Maga will enable you to:

- Be more assertive and aware of your environment and avoid unnecessary confrontation and violent situations.
- Protect yourself when travelling on your own.
- Prevent and deal with sexual attacks.
- Deal with bullies or 
- Specific types of attacks and violent situations.
- Increase your self-confidence.
- Get you fit and
- You will have fun whilst doing it.

Floor choke edited
By creating a supportive environment, I aim to foster a sense of empowerment and resilience. It's about more than physical techniques; it's about instilling a mindset that says,
"I am strong, capable, and deserving of personal security."

My personal experiences and a profound belief in women's strength motivate me to share these skills.
Together, let's break barriers, shatter stereotypes, establish a profound sense of inner strength, confidence and stand tall in our ability to protect ourselves!

" I started my Krav Maga journey with Zorica and trained with her for almost 2 years. During those 2 years Zoe was able to give personalized attention even in a group class and that speaks volumes about the finesse of her craft and dedication towards it.


Zorica is extremely professional and has an innate understanding of human anatomy and mind. She knows when to push and when to let me move at my own pace, all with a running commentary of encouragement and positive feedback.


I joined Krav Maga only because I witnessed Zoe's methodology and approach towards it. She made me so comfortable that I could join, even while recovering from a knee injury. She taught me how to focus on strengthening supporting muscle groups to speed the recovery.


I could not have asked for a better teacher than Zoe, to get me inducted and excited about Krav Maga and overall fitness.


Thank you Zoe, for being a constant source of inspiration!"

                                                                    Priyanka Kansara

(Ps - my friends call me Zoe)


Front kick chopped
Krav Maga Lessons and Courses 

Demonstration in this video has been slowed down and the flow of the defensive movements have been adjusted to accommodate inexperience and safety of the participants, and to showcase different techniques (hence weapons being discarded after  each technique's demo.)

Women's Team Building &

Corporate Self-Defence  

Private Lessons &

Self-Defence Courses

Private, bespoke, accelerated learning, courses to suit your needs. Training is conducted in the safe, women-friendly environment. Your training pace will be adjusted to your own learning pace, physical and fitness abilities, your personal goals and your schedule. Having peace of mind whilst travelling on your own, sexual attacks prevention, dealing with bullies or specific types of attacks and violent situations or simply for increasing self-confidence and getting fitter whilst doing it ar just some of benefits of learning krav maga. Learn how to overcome fear, recognise the treat and act promptly in variation of personal safety threatening situations.

Improve your team's self-confidence, courage and perseverance. Empower and create a strong bond amongst each member of your team. Krav Maga supports resiliance. determination and swift decision making. Conducting business requiers all of the above. Have fun and learn this useful skill. I hope that you will never have need of it.

"Coach Zorica, was invited by the PC Lau Christian Alliance International School (CAIS), Kowloon City, Hong Kong, to teach our students Krav Maga as part of our Discovery Days activities.  Coach Zorica was fantastic in presenting students with the variation of self-defence moves applicable to  multitude of personal safety threatening situations.  She kept everyone engaged and active.  We all learned a lot and were very blessed by her instruction and sharing."

Marshall Yin, CAIS Program Facilitator

"And so that one can walk in peace" - Imi Lichtenfeld
Choose your KRAV MAGA Sessions


1 Private Lessons

@ £65/h


5 Private Lessons

@ £310

*Save £15! Book 5 hourly sessions.


10 Private Lessons

@ £620

* Save £30!Book 10 hourly sessions.

Tough Gal



120 min @ £170

Accelerated Self-defence course enabling the student to defend herself against most common types of assaults on females.

Rape Prevention



120 min @ £170

A crash course in prevention against sexual assaults including addressing most common variations of this type of assaults.

Safe Holiday Mini

Self-defence Course

120 min @ £170

Suitable for women who travel alone on holiday (or business) and would like to feel confident and safe in a foreign environment.

Train with a Friend

Duo Silver

1 Private Lesson

@ £110/h

Duo Gold*

5 Private Lessons

@ £500

*Save £50! Book 5 hourly sessions

Duo Platinum*

10 Private Lessons

@ £900

*Save £90! Book 10 hourly sessions


Krav Maga

Private Lessons

(3-6 participants)*

@ £40/h per person

*- add £20 per each additional participant


Team Building &



@ £350/h

Stay Safe wherever You Go!

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